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Guardian Heroes
Not compatible in later versions of SSF?

For some reason, Guardian Heroes will only play seamlessly in SSF version .7 or below. .8 to the latest version will show the opening movie--but after that, it's nothing more than a blank screen.

Any chance of this being fixed in later versions? (Though I doubt it.)
Topic: Guardian Heroes Posted
Not compatible in later versions of SSF? by zombzeh 07:19 2010-02-06
  RE: Not compatible in later versions of SSF? by alexatkin 18:38 2010-02-06
    RE: Not compatible in later versions of SSF? by zombzeh 22:09 2010-02-06
  RE: Not compatible in later versions of SSF? by zombzeh 14:16 2010-03-14
    RE: Not compatible in later versions of SSF? by alexatkin 23:56 2010-03-17
      RE: Not compatible in later versions of SSF? by zombzeh 18:49 2010-06-02