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ishoma ("praise of Agni") required the ministrations of sixteen priests. This rite occupied only one day, with three pressings of soma, at morning, noon, and evening; but this day was preceded by very detailed preparatory ceremonies, one of which was the initiation (dksh) of the sacrificer and his wife. Other soma sacrifices lasted for several days up to twelve; while another class, called sattras or "sessions," extended to a year or more.

A very sacred ceremony that can be connected with the soma sacrifice is the Agnichayana or "Piling of the fire altar," which lasts for a year. It begins nike free run trainers uk with a sacrifice of five animals. Then a long time is occupied in preparing the earthenware vessel, called nike free femme pas cher ukh, in which fire is to be maintained for a year. Very elaborate rules are given both as to the ingredients, such as the hair of a black antelope, with which the clay is to be mixed, and as to how it is to be shaped, and finally burnt. Then the bricks, which have different and particular sizes, have to be built up in prescribed order. The lowest of the five strata must have 1950, all of them together, a total of 10,800 bricks. Many of these have their special name and significance. Thus the altar is gradually built up, as its bricks are placed in position, to the accompaniment of appropriate rites and verses, by a formidable array of priests. These nike free run men uk are but some of the main points in the ceremony; but they will probably give some faint idea of the enormous complexity and the vast mass of detail, where the smallest of minuti are of importance, in the Brahman ritual. No other religion has ever known its like. As a type, the Gihya manuals must be somewhat later than the rauta, for they regularly presuppose a knowledge of the latter.

To the Rigveda belongs in the free run shoe uk first place the nkhyana Gihya Stra. It consists of six books, but only the first four form the original portion of the work, and even these contain interpolations. Closely connected with this work is the mbavya Gihya, which also belongs to the school of the Kaus

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Topic: General Discussion Posted
nike free store & nike air max pas cher femme online by nfulscyyp 15:15 2014-10-24